an absolutely brilliant razor-sharp take-down of the frankly criminal, unscientific, bureaucratic pandemic narrative so brazenly adopted by many “lockstepped” countries… your critical analysis contributes to the pushback needed to tip the scales of justice in the direction of truth and real science. The conflicts of interest infecting our corrupted governments, causing such outrageous displays of data manipulation as you have outlined, must be rooted out if democracy and ethical healthcare has any chance of thriving. thank you

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I haven't finished reading your post yet, but here is something worth considering. I was paying attention to the Ontario model press conferences in April 2020, and found some interesting info.

As shown in the full slide deck from this press conference (https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/public-health-ontario-covid19-modelling-technical-briefing-full-text), on April 2/2020, Ontario models showed a "best case" ICU usage of over 1200 beds.

As shown in the Ontario data (https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/status-of-covid-19-cases-in-ontario), the peak ICU usage occurred on April 8, at 264 beds, which obviously immediately showed that the model was (to use a technical software term) garbage - out by a factor of over 4, only a couple of weeks in the future.

But, rather than acknowledge that fact, when the next modeling update (https://files.ontario.ca/moh-covid-19-modelling-potential-scenarios-en-2020-04-20.pdf) came out, on April 20, it "showed", on slide 13, that the modeling "had" predicted a best case scenario peak of only 387 beds, not the 1200 which it in fact had predicted.

So, as well as using grossly inaccurate models, by April 20/2020, someone (either the Premier or, more likely, his staff) had already started lying about how the models had performed

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Yes, they change history to save face. I also noticed this early in the pandemic. At first I tried to download things as I went along, but there was simply too much to keep track of.

I've used the waybackmachine often over the past couple of years. I helps keep me sane.

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I guess we could call that "counterfactual facts"

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